Videók az aktuális és régebbi Dakar Rally-król
Videók a Rally Világbajnokságról

Használt személyautók adatbázisa, apróhirdetések
Küldte: Taki
Dátum: 2002.06.11.
Méret: 5,8 MByte
Pontszám: 6,00
Hossz: 00:18 perc
Még egy repülő finn :)
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Nyilas-Róka Sportvideó
2008 március 22-23 Écs Rábaring Víz Világnapja Rally
jó szórakozást! :)
benzinkut rulez
rallyscsaj 2003.05.03.
a finnek nem hajóznak?:D
breky 2002.06.17.
Ez a Brabus eddig nem magyarul kommentelt???
Vagy csak én vagyok hülye?
Na mind1. A videót még nem néztem meg csak a sok angol szöveget nem tudtam hova tenni...
Where the hell was he arrogant?? I don't get it..
His damn right.. go ahead and put yourself in his situation what the hell would ya do if the samne motha fuckin thing happens to ya?HUH?
Some wacked ass motha fucker would post your work under his name ... come on people..
stop being a smart ass....
His god damn right....and the best thing he could've done so far is that to ban all of you thieves off from his site ....
Good job TBK...keep it up they just got what they deserved...
szenda 2002.06.13.
Dear TBK! If you want respect for having these cool vids you got mine, and you would get everybody else's too, if you didn't burst in here, in such an arrogant way. Thats why you're the bad guy, if you wanna put it that way, and because of banning the whole .hu community. Everyone knows that the crash vids come from you, so why aint that enough? Tell you what; why dont you put up the vidz yourself under your name, and then we'll say TBK is cool. If you dont want people to enjoy your vids, what exactly do you want?
Franky 2002.06.12.
Dear TBK! You are absolutely right, but what we can do for you? Or what Luxi could do for you? Why don't you write, or speak with Luxi? I think he would take everything for you and for your rights! Please contact him on now! Because he also have rights about his site. Thnx!
TBK 2002.06.12.
I dont get you guys.

You steal my mpeg videos, that I made and that cant be found elsewhere on the net (Besides this site and perhaps some other that stole my videos) and then you try make ME the bad guy ?

WTF is that all about.

I just want you to give credit where credit is due.

Without me you would not even have seen these crashes, since not one single person on the net has made these exact same videos available in mpeg.

Hunter 2002.06.12.
TBK.FAMEFLAME.DK the page where the stolen videos comes from:)
Andrew1 2002.06.12.
Luxi! Miért nem tiltod le a .dk tartományból a hozzáférést? :-) Biztos örülne neki :-)

TBK: Were any copyright on your site? Then? Any other problem?
Luxi 2002.06.12.
Most akkor már csak azt nem értem végképp, hogy ha ez a TBK gyerek letiltotta Magyaroszág elől az oldalát, akor mi a fenéért reklámozza itt? :))
TBK 2002.06.12.
This clip originated from TBK.FAMEFLAME.DK

• bencebaba
hozaszolas Köszi!
Kolo pisti
hozaszolas Fel tudja valaki rakni mégegyszer?

Azt megköszönném.
hozaszolas Thanks!!
hozaszolas Köszi!!!
hozaszolas Köszi!!
hozaszolas Köszönjük!!
hozaszolas Köszi!!


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